您们好。yl23455永利官网本学期第六次学术午餐会定于2009年5月29日(周五)12:00-13:30举行,欢迎大家到时参加。午餐会上将会为到场听众准备便餐。希望在会上用餐的老师请发邮件给王莎莎订餐 (
主讲人:徐迎风 (University of Alberta)
题目:International experience of export-led growth (从国际比较看中国的出口导向增长模式)
A pressing challenge for China is where to accommodate millions of migrant workers displaced by the closing of many export-oriented factories? The current global financial crisis has exposed the fragility of the export-led growth strategy China has adopted in the past thirty years. Is there a better alternative to provide non-agricultural jobs than the sweatshops of cheap export production? In this paper, international experience is reviewed to shed light for China. We analyze the data covering 209 economies from the World Bank with pool regression models. We provide relevant international experience for answering the following questions: what is the common process of expanding the non-agricultural economy, how is that process affected by the level of the real exchange rate, is export production a common way to absorb surplus rural labor, what are the keys to expand domestic demand and service employment.