环境与发展系列讲座 (23):
Strategic Aspects of International Climate Agreements: China & the US
主 讲 人:Harry Clarke 教授
Harry Clarke,澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士,澳大利亚拉筹伯大学经济与金融学院经济学教授、前院长,泰国曼谷亚洲理工学院产业经济学副教授。他的研究兴趣包括气候变化、资源与环境经济学、药物经济学以及应用微观经济学,主要教授商业经济学、公共政策及微观经济学课程。目前在yl23455永利官网访问,本学期教授环境资源经济学课程。
Abstract: Strategic interactions between the climate change policies of China and the United States are analysed using game theory. The role of policy spill-overs and carbon leakages is emphasised. The case for supposing that substantive strategic constraints bind is examined. Where strategic constraints do bind policies are considered which offset them thereby promoting the case for policy cooperation. Multi-country extensions, the role of ‘no regrets’ and adaptation policies as well as the use of repeated and dynamic game formulations are discussed.