活动预告 | yl23455永利官网2020年国际论坛暨第二届欧洲论坛
3:00p.m.-6:00p.m.(UTC+8), October 17, 2020
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报名截止时间 Registration Deadline
8:00a.m.(UTC+8), October 15, 2020
Klaus Adam is the Nuffield Professor of Economics and a Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford University. He is also a Research Professor at the Deutsche Bundesbank, a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Ministry of Finance, and Scientific Chair of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN). His research work focuses on monetary and fiscal policy making, as well as on issues related to learning and the formation of expectations with applications to asset pricing and business cycle dynamics.
Abi Adams-Prassl(艾比• 亚当斯-普拉斯尔)
Abi Adams-Prassl is a Senior Research Fellow and Applied Microeconomics Convener at the New College, Oxford University. Her research sits within applied microeconomics, often focused on the econometrics of consumer and family choice. Her current research concerns the identification and estimation of consumer preferences when a) not all options are available (consideration set models; inattention); b) individuals have a ‘preference for flexibility’ (menu choice; decision making under ambiguity).
艾比· 亚当斯-普拉斯尔是英国牛津大学新学院资深研究员及该学院应用微观经济学领域的学术召集人。其研究领域为应用微观经济学,主要集中在与消费者和家庭选择相关的经济计量分析。其目前的研究课题是在面临不完全选项与灵活偏好时对消费者偏好的识别和估计。
Mathias Hoffmann(马蒂亚斯•霍夫曼)
Mathias Hoffmann is a Professor of International Trade and Finance at the Department of Economics at University of Zurich. His research focuses on the macroeconomic aspects of international financial integration and on the link between asset markets and the macro economy more generally. His recent published articles include papers on the determinants of international capital flows and imbalances, the international transmission of business cycles, banking regulation and on international risk sharing.
Dr. Gordon Liu is currently a BOYA Professor of Economics at National School of Development, Peking University(PKU) and Vice Dean of PKU Faculty of Economics and Management. He is a Yangtze River Scholar Professor of Economics, and Director of PKU China Center for Health Economic Research (CCHER). His research fields include health and development economics, health reform and Health Technology Assessment(HTA).
Minquan Liu is Professor from School of Economics and the Founding Director of the Center for Human and Economic Development Studies (CHEDS), Peking University. His research interest spans human development (principally economic development, poverty, health, education, environment, and disaster risk management) in China and other East and Southeast Asian Economies. He has led many important research projects with publications in leading Chinese and international journals or as reports to the commissioning international agencies.
Dr. Graeme Roy is a professor and the Head of Department of Economics and Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute at the University of Strathclyde. He was formerly a Senior Economic Adviser and head of the First Minister’s Policy Unit at Scottish Government. He is the joint lead for the Economic Futures Initiative for Applied Economics in Scotland. He is a member of the Senior Management Team of the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE).
结合yl23455永利官网创建世界一流大学的总体目标,yl23455永利官网始终致力于将自身建设成为世界一流的yl23455永利官网。学院高度重视国际合作与交流工作,注重拓展学生的国际视野,提升学院的国际影响力。从2018年起,学院开始不定期举办“yl23455永利官网海外论坛系列”。2018年12月,首届北大yl23455永利官网北美新年论坛在美国纽约成功举办,主题为“中国与世界经济”(China and World Economy)。2019年8月,北大yl23455永利官网第二届海外论坛暨首届欧洲论坛在英国牛津举办,主题为“一带一路”框架下的世界经济合作与发展(Global Economic Cooperation and Development in the Framework of the Belt & Road)。2019年11月,“一带一路”中国·印度尼西亚经贸交流与合作国际论坛暨yl23455永利官网东南亚论坛在印度尼西亚民丹岛举办。2020年1月,北大yl23455永利官网第二届北美新年论坛在美国圣地亚哥成功举办,主题为“中国与全球经济:挑战、机遇与共同繁荣”(China and Global Economy: Uncertainty, Opportunity, and Prosperity)。
供稿 | yl23455永利官网国际交流与合作办公室
美编 | 山竹
责编 | 量子、禾雨、予天